
Moms of Young Children,
Go From Surviving to Thriving
with Meaningful Motherhood

… so you’re living an aligned and purposeful life while
having more fun, feeling less stressed and raising awesome little humans 🙌


You love the idea of thriving in motherhood…

Consciously raising your child, living your purpose, achieving your goals while having fun and keeping it all balanced—it's all so magical.

Except for one tiny little thing...

You're surviving not thriving and those magical moments you’ve dreamed of seem further away with every new hurdle thrown in your direction.

If you're currently in the spot where a radically different experience with motherhood is something you WANT but don't currently HAVE, you might be thinking that it's just not possible to truly “have it all” as a mom without needing to sacrifice something. You can’t quite seem to figure out how to carve a life and motherhood path that feels exciting, motivating and joyful… at least most of the time.

Let's face it. “Mom-stuff” on top of “Life stuff” can feel completely exhausting, and you can't help but feel that looming sense of burnout or dread about what might be coming next. It's not just motherhood that you want to change, you want to transform so much of your life, but you’re overwhelmed thinking of where to start. You don’t feel like you have the time to learn or implement anything new and you’re so maxed out. You wanted to be a mom for a reason—to expand your love, to grow your family, to transform your life and step into a new chapter… at this point though, you’re starting to feel like none of that is even possible..

Maybe you're thinking,

“This can’t be it. There must be a way ” 

✨ A way to balance all of the things truly important to you and your family without having to sacrifice your own needs to get that..

✨A way to embody a resilient, grounded presence in the face of what motherhood asks of you and beyond.

✨A way for you to parent your children REALLY WELL while living a life outside of being a mom that feels satisfying, motivating and purposeful everyday. 

A way to burnout-proof your life and motherhood.

If this sounds like you, you really are not alone. We feel so much shame as moms admitting what it can really be like but its more common that you think; wanting to be an amazing mother but feeling like your failing while also longing to live your life outside of your role as a mom, too.

Wanting to raise your child in a meaningful and aligned way while also nurturing your own soul’s purpose.

Needing your life and motherhood experience to feel less stressful but having no spare time on your hands to make it happen.

The truth is if you don't find a way to map your own course in life and motherhood to you feel you are thriving and loving life,
then your experience simply will not change.

You'll stay stuck in a pattern of reactivity and victimhood, experiencing chaos, power struggles, and emotional unrest in your home. You’ll feel desperate for ways to cope that don’t actually address what the underlying cause of the dis-ease is for you OR your kiddos.

OK… wait… stop … let’s get out of that low-vibe spiral, momma!!

I have amazing news for you…

There is a way to have it all.

The Secret to a Thriving Motherhood

Let’s be real:

You’re extremely protective of your and your family’s time and energy.

And, you should be. Our energy is the most sacred thing we have.. and we have all been born with a purpose, an energetic signature and way of operating that is unique to each of us.

And yet, we have all been conditioned to do things “one way” or view “success or wining” in a very cookie cutter sort of way.. but that doesn’t really work and it leaders to sadness, desperation, fear, rage and a bunch of other really not so awesome feelings.

And at this point in your life, you have likely been conditioned out of who you really are, what your natural gifts and purpose are, your inner voice and even the things you really want.

And its hurting your motherhood journey.

You want to shed this off of you so that you can be the most authentically joyous and free mom possible while also understanding who your child is so you can raise them in alignment to that. Deepening your connection. Deepening your karmic journey together. Deepening the meaning you experience here as a momma.

… the secret to a thriving motherhood and life is already inside of you and your child. The answers are within you.

Those magic gems just need to be discovered…

Transforming Your Life and Motherhood is More Simple Than You Think
(and more important than ever)

You already know that you can’t keep going the direction you’re headed… you know that to enjoy life and raise your children the way you want something needs to change.

By learning my one-of-a-kind model you will learn to…

✔️ Adjust your approach to making decisions so that they are based on your own inner knowing… avoiding running into more frustration, bitterness, anger or disappointment form listening to everyone else on how to live your life.

✔️ Dive into how you can leverage your and your child’s unique Human Design (if you aren't sure what Human Design is, click that link to learn more) to make aligned decisions that are right FOR YOU and your child, so you can eliminate the outside noise, live an aligned and purposeful life while having more fun, feeling less stressed and raising awesome little humans.

✔️ Create more peace in your home, eliminating power struggles and deepening your connection with your child/children because you’ve learned how to decode their behavior and parent to what’s really going on inside of them.

✔️ Learn the grounded and aligned process of leveraging your Human Design Strategy, Authority. Energy Type and Profile to transform your experience in motherhood and life in as little as 5 weeks.

✔️ How to change your life and experience as a mom even if nothing else around you has changed… yes, it's a little bit like magic!✨

Yes, It’s Actually Possible…


Completely burnout and stressed in more aspects of life than you’d like to admit


To easeful, fun and aligned … embodying balance in everything you do.


The big scary yelling mom who is triggered by almost everything


To the connected, loving, patient and conscious leader.


Relying on outside gurus for how to parent your child and carve your own path


To looking within for answers to what is correct for both you AND your child.

My Meaningful Motherhood Model is the best way to live an aligned and purposeful life, have more fun as a mom, feel way less stressed AND raise amazing little humans.


Hey there,

I’m Kimberly! 

6/2 Sacral Generator, Certified Coach, Certified Human Design Guide,
Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and recovered-burned-out Mom

I help moms of young children go from surviving to thriving, using Meaningful Motherhood Model (Human Design, Positive Discipline and a little bit of magic) so they can enjoy being a mom, have peace in their home, heal their wounds and triggers, live with purpose and make a meaningful impact in their children's lives.

As a mom of two young children, I understand how difficult it can seem to give your kids everything they need while also following the call of your soul to do your work in the world. I'm a big believer that the world would be a better place if moms had the resources and support they need to uncover and step into the best version of themselves, and help their children to do the same.

Moms have the most incredible and unique opportunity to make this happen if they themselves have the tools to live a purpose-filled, meaningful life and understand how to raise their child in an individuated way.

I love showing moms what’s truly possible when they step into their own aligned life and truly enjoy parenting.

Pretty incredible to imagine, right? Now, let's make it your reality.

Introducing, The Meaningful Motherhood Program

The most comprehensive and realistic framework to build, launch, and sell your very own digital program to a curated, "perfect fit" audience that's excited and ready to buy.

Client Success Stories

How about a sneak peek…

The Meaningful Motherhood Program (MMP) is a self-paced, online course that will transforming mom's lives by teaching them my proven Meaningful Motherhood Model. This framework includes foundational teachings, tools and exercises based in my experience and education as a Human Design Guide, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, Ontological Coaching and real-life motherhood experience! This is the very process I used to completely transform my relationship to motherhood and … well, my LIFE! I'm having more fun than ever, am living my purpose AND enjoying my kids!!! 🤩

The Meaningful Motherhood Model is the embodiment of 5 key components:➡➡➡

What You’ll Do

Although you can access the Welcome Module of the Program starting May 13th, the pace of the program will begin the week of May 20th as outlined below. Each Module has roughly 2-3 lessons led by yours truly and take appx. 1 hour to complete depending on the amount of reflection you put in. Remember, Module Lessons are self-paced so you can do them ANYTIME that works for you! 🤗

  • May 20 - May 24 Module 1: embody AWARENESS

    Dive into awareness through the lens of Human Design and Motherhood.

    Learn the Meaningful Motherhood Model for clarity on what you will learn. Set the stage for the upcoming life transformation ahead.

    LIVE Coaching Call Friday, May 24th 11am PST

  • May 27 - May 31 Module 2: embody ENERGY

    Learn the mechanics of energy, unpack and apply the foundations of center definition or non-definition. Discover your unique energetic signature, your child's signature and how to shift your family aura for the most joy, ease, peace and purpose in your home.

    LIVE Coaching Call Friday, May 31st 11am PST

  • June 3 - June 7 Module 3: embody AUTHENTIC SELF

    Diving into your unique mode of making decisions (Authority) and how to apply that knowledge (Strategy)… this will completely change your life forever. Its an inner compass you were born with completely unique to YOU.

    LIVE Coaching Call Friday, June 7th 11am PST

  • June 10 - 14 Module 4: embody PURPOSE

    Unwrap your special gifts, the karma you are here to live out and your purpose this time around. In Human Design this is called your Incarnation Cross, Personality Sun and Profile.

    LIVE Coaching Call Friday, June 14th 11am PST

  • June 17 - 21 Module 5: embody SOUL - PARENTING

    OK here we go! Learning YOUR CHILD's design and how to raise them with this in mind .. yes! Bridging your and their design(s) to you have more perspective on how to parent them effectively AND meaningfully .. so they can live out their purpose while you are living yours! Also, we will learn the basics of Positive Discipline so you can apply real-world tools for real-world parenting problems aligned to your child's design.

    LIVE Wrap Up Coaching Call Friday, June 21st 11am PST

📞LIVE Coaching Calls Via Zoom (valued at $275+ per hour) held each Friday at 11am PST.LIVE coaching calls are encouraged and valuable to the feedback process but not mandatory. Life happens! So, if you miss a call, replays will be sent following each session.

😍Program Investment $750… $375. As a pilot member of MMP you are receiving a 50% SAVINGS ON INVESTMENT. This price will only happen ONCE … don't miss out!

Check Out What’s Inside

When you join Meaningful Motherhood Program, you get immediate and lifetime access to:

✅Go-at-your-own-pace video lessons guiding you through my proven systems to create an aligned life where you are having fun, experiencing less stress and raising aligned kiddos. This provides clarity so you are confident on your next steps throughout the entire transformation process.  


✅Your own digital program checklists, meditations, practices and homework to walk you through every step of the process so you never miss an important piece to understanding the Meaningful Motherhood Model. 


✅Access to unlimited Human Design Bodygraph Charts so that after you learn the life changing science of Human Design, you can pull charts for anyone you are looking to improve and enhance relationship dynamics with. 


✅Meaningful Motherhood Handbook - Your go-to reference manual for everything we cover in the program including reflection exercises, commitments, vision and goals … 


✅52+ Bite-sized parenting tools for your toolbox so you can apply practical, aligned solutions for real-time results and lasting impact.


✅10+ Behavioral Tools to support your understanding and application of tried and true methods for managing the developmentally normal (yet, challenging!) childhood behaviors. 


✅Support with communicating to partners, coparents and spouses about new parenting approaches so you feel confident your new learnings will support family cohesion and relationship depth. 


✅A private online community full of like-minded mommas to get feedback, answers, guidance, and friendship during your program transformation and beyond

LIFETIME ACCESS to all program materials, private community, future additions, updates, and bonus offerings. I monitor this community regularly and jump in to support and guide! 

Sign Up Now as a Beta Member
to receive a limited time savings on your investment…

This is a limited time offer. As a beta member you save on half this investment with the commitment to share your experience and feedback.

$750 $375

One-time Investment

Have more questions? Feel free to contact me here to set up a call!