
Are you ready to transform your motherhood journey from struggle, despair, anger, confusion, and doubt to strength, power, confidence, acceptance, peace, fun, joy, and admiration?

Raising loving humans and living a life you love doesn’t have to be feel like an endless struggle. I’m here to help you.

I teach my clients how to live life based on their design for more ease, flow, confidence, joy, power, purpose and fun.

With a fully customized approach based on your design, experience and current circumstances I help you transform how you’ve been conditioned to live your life and how you’ve been told to parent, so that you can embody all you’re meant to be and create meaningful change that actually works.

As a mama of two young girls, I know what its like to face the everyday challenges of raising children in a meaningful way, balancing a thriving career, nurturing a marriage/partnership AND live a life aligned with my soul’s purpose… 

You are doing your best with what you know, and nothing is changing. 

The constant power struggles, tears, tantrums of feelings of hopelessness. 

Wanting more for your life but it seems everything you have continually goes into what everyone else needs from you. 

When will it get better? Why am I trying so hard and nothing ever changes…

I see you. And I’ve been there. There is a big, juicy, beautiful life available to you.

That’s why I created my 1:1 Coaching Program for mothers:
Sacred Motherhood Design

Imagine ending your work day and feeling excited for what’s to come with your kiddos instead of depleted, anxious and worried. See yourself embodying your soul’s purpose, feeling fulfilled as a mother, showing up confidently, peacefully and joyfully to this life you’ve created. We will do this together!


Hi. I’m Kimberly

Through a mystically unique combination of certifications, gifts and experience - I’m able to help my clients transform their life.

Using my intuition as a guide

My profound gifts as an intuitive being allow me to immediately meet my clients where they are at; I understand how people feel, what they are experiencing and what they need almost instantly without them having to tell me. This allows us to maximize our time together, and for me to know the most transformative methods of coaching, healing and guidance to provide customized on the need of the individual.

Tools to anchor in

Additionally, as a Human Design Specialist, we dive into your design and the design of your child so that you begin to embody what’s correct for you based on your design, as well as parent in a way that is aligned with your child’s uniqueness.

With the addition of my skills as an accredited Life Coach and Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, I’m able to coach clients to use parenting tools that achieve real results that actually work for more peace in their homes. 

Welcome to 1:1 Sacred Motherhood Coaching

A transformed life and experience as a mother is at your fingertips, available to you so you begin to love your life again, or maybe… for the first time ever.

I work with you one on one, so you receive customized help to heal your wounds, learn your design, live your design and parent by design.

I am here, as your partner on this journey - to tackle what’s coming up for you in a meaningful way where you enjoy more power, confidence, joy, peace and strength as a mother and woman. 


  • 2 bi-weekly coaching calls on ZOOM or phone per month

  • Recap emails sent after each call including resources, guidance and practices

  • Intuitive healing through channeling, divination tools and mediumship

  • Human Design coaching through learning, living and deconditioning 

  • Positive Parenting Templates, Tools, Meditations and Practices

  • Unlimited email and direct messaging support during normal business hours/days

  • 6 month commitment with opportunity to continue*


$799 per month investment OR $4500 paid in full an almost $300 savings. 

*This is a 6 month program with the option to extend with another 3 month package
